2007年11月2日 星期五

Java 平台簡介

每每在學 Java 時,翻書學程式,上網找資料,總是會看到一堆名詞,像是 Java SE、Java EE、Java ME .... 等等不同平台,總覺得 Java 架構實在是複雜,想要瞭解這些名詞的相互關係為何,總是找不太到很明確的答案,所以乾脆到 Sun 的官方網站去找....

以下找到一篇很不錯的文章,是寫給新進入 Java 領域的使用者,裡面簡單扼要的說明了各種平台的不同:
  1. Java SE
    This kit is necessary for developing all applications, except those designed for consumer devices (See the Micro Edition). Java SE comes bundled with the compiler, a runtime environment, and core API.
  2. Java Platform Enterprise Edition (Java EE)
    This packages includes an application server, web server, J2EE APIs, support for Enterprise JavaBeans, Java Servlets API, and JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology. Use J2EE with the Java SE.
  3. Java Platform Micro Edition (Java ME)
    If you are interested in developing programs for Palm Pilots, screen phones, and other consumer devices, this kit provides tools for compiling, deployment and device configuration, and APIs that are specialized for each type of device.
  4. JavaFX
    JavaFX Script Technology is a highly productive scripting language that enables content developers to create rich media and content for deployment on Java environments.

另外,Java 號稱 cross platform,而是如何達到了,此文章中也是有說明:
Java programs are executed within a program called the JVM. Rather than running directly on the native operating system, the program is interpreted by the JVM for the native operating system. This is key to making your programs portable from one platform to another. In other words, you can develop your programs on a Solaris, Linux, Macintosh, or Windows, then run it on another server or platform.
稍微看了一下,大致上是瞭解各種不同 Java platform 之間的差異了,其他更詳細的內容可以多多參考 Sun 網站上的文件。

