結果發現,在 Ubuntu 中竟然沒有 /etc/inittab 這個檔案........(忘記從哪一版開始沒有,不過我用 6.10 就已經沒有了!)
因此 google 的一下修改方式,找到以下這邊討論串:
1./etc/inittab.看了以上的修改方式,就是不讓 GDM 啟動就對了!
You're right. It's gone. It left as of Edgy Eft, as Ubuntu now manages start-up services with "upstart."
The file does exist in pre-Edgy Ubuntu's, and other flavors of Linux, so you were not crazy to look there.
2. default runlevel in Ubuntu
In redhat/suse, the default run level is 5. I came from RH, and like you, expected the same in Ubuntu. After the "upstart" transition, the notion of runlevels is supposedly gone, but if forced to choose, the default run level is actually 2 in Ubuntu, not 5.
2. You don't want GNOME to start at boot, how?
So yes, in other flavors of Linux, you'd probably just change run levels, because on run level would have X, and another wouldn't. But in Ubuntu, *all* run levels start GNOME, so here's an easier way:
In /etc/rc2.d, you will see a file S13gdm. This starts the GNOME system.
Simply change that file to K13gdm.
# sudo mv S13gdm K13gdm
(It's possible the number between the "S" and the "gdm" will be slightly different than 13. That's OK.)
This leaves the package installed, but just not started at boot.
To start X later, run:
# sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start.